towing motorcycles Romania

Motorbike Towing & Service Romania

Sure you love motorcycling.
You learned about the amazing motorcycle roads in the Carpathians and decided to give it a go.

Romania seemed appealing as Transfăgărășan Road was featured on BBC, Top Gear and Jeremy mentioned it is the Best in the World. While you’re here, why not ride other mountain roads as well: Transalpina, Tranbucegi, Transursoaia, Transceahlau. So many Trans roads that it would take you a while to ride them all.

Therefore, instead of renting or have a guided tour by a local, you decide to bring your own motorbike all the way from home and ride on your own.

All goes great, your motorbike is in perfect condition, you enjoy the roads, the riding, the countryside. At some point you just need an oil change, or maybe just the brake pads need changing, or you just have a flat tire.

Most riders like and know how to perform the minimum maintenance on their motorbikes.

But what if you don’t?
What if you do, but lack the necessary tools?
What if the problem needs more tools, a new component and a professional?

Many things can go wrong when you are travelling the World on a motorbike but having the right information at the right time can make the difference.

Here’s why we decided to bring you up to date information on motorbike towing & service Romania.

Depending on the region you’re in and the distance the towing company would have to cover, you can contact some of the companies below:


City Towing Company Contact Observations
Cluj Napoca
Moto pRO 0040 744 423 601
0040 726 253 356
English, Spanish, German
Tractari Auto Cluj 0040 744 613 581    
Socea Ciprian 004 0751 841 147    
Tractari Auto Santu 0040 744 617 766 English – medium level
TAL Tractari Auto Cluj   0040 749 414 244  
Alex Tractari Auto 0040 744 854 443 English – medium level
Tractari Auto Cluj 0040 755 600 001  
Tractari Auto Turda   0771 906 000  
Tractari Santu   0741 205 441  
Tractari Auto DAni   0741 708 670  
Alba Iulia Tractari auto Alba 0040 738 535 000

English – medium level
german – beginner
Tractari autostrada Ai 0040 744 113 333    
King Auto Service   0040 755 731 711  
Brasov Jo &Co Tractari Brasov 0754 552 622  
  Fejer Top SRL German
Mikary Cars 0040 743 883 550  
RMB Trans 0040 722 584 114  
Bucharest Tractari Auto Bucuresti 0040 724 890 220
Alo Tractari 0 219 936 English medium level
Tractari Auto 0040 726 429 406  
Tractari Platforma   0769 584 999  
Tractari Auto       0040 761 531 592    
Cris Power Logistic SRL 0040 721 240 243    
Sibiu Kot Auto Transport 0770 897 294  
Tractari auto Bobo   0040 749 362 396  
Tow Truck Service SRL 0040 743 788 205 English, german – medium level
CCA Tractari Sibiu   0040 744 605 529  
PHP Tractari Sibiu   0040 722 761 008 English – medium level
Ramnicu Valcea Tractari Auto Rm Valcea 0040 759 562 631  
Tractari non stop Valcea   0040 756 688 061  
Tractari Lucian 1   0040 752 290 491  
Sighisoara Zelly Trans Tractar 0040 766 595 196   English – medium level
Tractari Sighisoara   0040 756 673 893  
Tractari auto Sighisoara   0040 746 044 399  
Targu Jiu Tractari Auto 0040 727 495 063 South Side of Transalpina  
Tractari Gorj 0040 721 148 922 South Side of Transalpina  
Tractari auto Gorj 0040 766 860 764 South Side of Transalpina  
Curtea de Arges Tractari Auto 0040 763 207 595 South Side of Transfagarasan Road  
Platforma auto 0040 752 768 780 South Side of Transfagarasan Road    
Boro Cars & Help 0040 754 926 111 South Side of Transfagarasan Road    
Sebes Tractari Auto Sebes 0040 741 218 512
North Side of Transalpina
Tractari  Sebes – Robert 0040 730 030 550 North Side of Transalpina  
Tractari  Sebes – Vlad 0040 751 059 407 North Side of Transalpina  
Fagaras Tractari Fagaras 0040 726 966 933  
Tractari JO&CO 0040 754 552 622
Tractari Fagaras – Nelu Viteza 0040 767 876 854 Nelu Viteza
Sinaia Tractari Auto 0040 720 419 677  
Tractari Sinaia – Andrei 0040 721 786 288    
Tractari depanari 0040 733 854 667  

Estimated prices

In Bucharest – the capital city of Romania
waiting time
30 – 50 RON/hour (7 to 12 euros/ hour)

In Bucharest
89 RON (about 20 euros/motorbike)

Outside Bucharest
50 RON (11 euros) the start  + between 1,5 – 1.7 RON/km
(0.35 – 0.5 euros/km) depending on the distance

Other cities:
Waiting time:
30 RON/hour (7 euros/hour)

within the city
70 RON/motorbike
(16 euros/motorbike)

Outside the city
50 RON (11 euros) the start + between 1.5 – 1.6 RON/km
(0.35 – 0.40 euros/km)

If the motorbike requires the attention of a professional, you can call one of the services below. If the motorbike can still be ridden there, without worsening the defect, take it there. Should you need to tow it you can make use of the information above. However, please ring them first. Services tend to be quite busy and you need to know they are available for you before taking the trip.


City Motorbike Service Contact
Cluj Napoca
Moto pRO0040 744 423 601
0726 253 356
english, spanish, german.
SF MOTO 0040 745 436 144
SC Mechatronics SRL 0040 742 026 694
COC Motors 0040 741 186 895
Motoland SRL 0040 756 38 77 75
SIDI Moto 0040 742 551 169
Alba Iulia FM Racing Romania 0040 742 265 487
Brasov Moto Alex Brasov 0040 770 832 212
Motto Brasov 0040 268 474 055
John’s Garage 0040 725 633 355
MY Moto 0040 720 285 805
Bucharest SKR-Super-Bike/Service Moto 0040 753 811 349
Motor Team 0040 21 44 00 222
Garage4moto/Service Moto 0040 724 446 686
Benny Motors 0040 734 575 616
SAMA MOTO 0040 21 233 1596
J&D MOTOSERVICE 0040 733 019 058
Moto Boom 0040 21 410 60 10
Sibiu Service Moto Sibiu 0040 770 652 461
Sherco Sibiu Riders Point 0040 728 974 656
HIB Motorcycles 0040 740 245 863
ATV ROM Sibiu 0040 774 629 515
Ramnicu Valcea Uni Motors 0040 752 035 535

Prices depend on the defect, cost of the component to be replaced and the time it takes to be fixed.

Please note that many services do not keep motorbike components on stock, so you might need to wait a day or two (possibly more depending on the gravity of the situation) for your bike to be fixed.

The motorbike shops will not provide for a replacement motorcycle while yours is on shop. If you must continue your journey you can rent a motorbike in Turda, Transylvania and return for yours when it is ready.

Not matter what you decide, try finding a good accommodation in the city nearby and enjoy some rest. Don’t make any decisions while you are tired and hungry. Try a good traditional Romanian meal and the local beer and wine. You deserve it. Oh, and remember to have a walk in the city. You might be surprised. Think positive and you will have a funny story to tell your friends when you return home.